even if there was music this would still go down into NG oblivion. Master Chief looks like shit and its way too slow
even if there was music this would still go down into NG oblivion. Master Chief looks like shit and its way too slow
better than you can do you gay peice of lazy ass shit
voice got a bit messed up at end, and the facts bit would bore some ppl but i respect you for trying a message like this on NG. Good artwork too.
u lucky americans, we euro-trash have to wait another 2 more days! flash was good, i commend u for multiple gags rather than 1 which is what most people do.
very good
sounds were not let down cos the music choice was superb. Voices would have spoiled it i feel. Graphics are of a nice original style which makes a change, well drawn too. Its a video game parody, but i liked to subtile damage whenever sumat minor happened (like blood in the eye) Violence is top notch and some menu choices give it a little interactivity. Great parody and deserves to be in the FF collection.
v good
all round good spirte movie. one question, can u post a link for where i can get those spites?
not a real classic but a good first
i see great potential but this joke has been done on tv before. The Fairly Odd Parents i think the show was. To short for some people aswell, personnally i have no idea how this made frontpage, its good, but not frontpage material.
i see your experikmenting with new ideas and techniques. they work very well. plot was very... 'knoxy'. no-one playin halo with me either.
graphical masterpiece
something we've all come to expect from Dan, music wasn't a let down either (thank god) shame this has to be one of a kind, cos i fucking wise all flash would be like this.
Instructions for this flash: Use when in need of a big grin!
Very good
one of your best pieces of work. i wonder why it wasnt called toads rage 0 tho, as its a prequel. fight scene was not as good as some of your others tho. liked the mario brothers lol.
Perpetually lazy and demotivated. Thrust something my way and i'll probably do it, with minimal effort.
Age 36, Male
York, England
Joined on 9/18/03